Restylane® is a cosmetic dermal filler that restores volume and fullness to the skin to correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds of all types. It is also used to increase fullness and enhance the lips, define the lip line, fill scars and restore facial areas that have lost their youthful appearance.
What is Restylane® Made of and is it safe? Restylane® is made of a non-animal hyaluronic acid, being a natural substance that already exists in the human body and is used to provide volume and fullness to skin. The hyaluronic acid in Restylane® is a crystal clear gel that is biodegradable and completely biocompatible with human hyaluronic acid. Because Restylane® is non-animal based and fully biocompatible it is safe and there is no risk of animal based disease or allergic reaction. Restylane® is FDA approved and has been safely used by dermatologists since 1996 worldwide. What are Restylane® treatments like? The treatment is simple requiring no pre-testing and is performed at your doctors' office in less than one hour. First the patient is given an anesthetic cream or block, making the treatment relatively painless. The doctor will then inject Restylane® into the treated area, under the skin with a very thin needle. The patient experiences no marks or scars and results are immediately visible producing a long-lasting, natural enhancement that is gentle and soft to the skin. How many Restylane® treatments do I need? Restylane® lasts twice as long as collagen, so treatments are typically scheduled twice a year. Evidence shows that having a touch-up treatment before the product has fully dissipated will enhance the lasting effect. Depending on your desired appearance, you can discuss maintenance with your doctor and the period between treatments.
Radiesse is a non-surgical injectable filler most commonly used for facial contouring and lip enhancement. It is an ideal solution to smooth and revitalize key areas of your face such as smile lines, frown lines, lines between your nose and mouth and on the upper lip. It will reduce blemishes such as acne scars and restore fullness and definition to the lips and cheeks. Radiesse is time-proven so it is safe; FDA approved, and delivers a high level of facial rejuvenation with immediate and long lasting results. What Makes Radiesse An Ideal Solution? The key element of Radiesse is identical to the chemical structure of calcium naturally present in the human body. Radiesse remains soft and flexible and is exceptionally compatible with the body. Typically, only one treatment is sufficient because Radiesse is not absorbed by your body and is long lasting. Radiesse does not cause any allergic reaction nor does it paralyze or act on facial muscles. Best of all, it produces results immediately that last three to five years or longer without repetitive treatments. What Are Radiesse Treatments Like? Since Radiesse is an injectable there is no surgery and only a small amount of anesthetic is needed. The Radiesse is then injected into the selected area by a tiny needle (specifically designed for cosmetic procedures) just under the skin producing results that are immediately visible. How will I Feel And Look After Treatment? You can comfortably return to your normal activities after your treatment. Side effects are rare and any minor swelling or redness from the injection can be covered with make-up and usually disappears within one to two days. You can immediately expect greatly improved wrinkles, enhanced lips, or smoothed-out depressed scars.